Monday, August 4, 2008

Begun Seeks 'Wicked Questions'

By Joseph Hannan

Jim Begun hosted this morning's recap of yesterday's conference items. This was done in a thought provoking, innovative way.

He asked conference participants to come up with "wicked questions" about nursing--questions that would help move nursing forward by tackling difficult issues. Here is a sample of those questions:

-- "If we're so compassionate, why are we so mean to each other in the workplace?"

--"How we balance evidence-based practice with the art of nursing?"

--"Why do we as a profession value other disciplines more?"

--"Why is education not seemingly valued by practicing nurses?"

--"How do we give the best possible care with using the least possible resources?"

--"How do we as nurses leverage what I know and do to keep the whole profession moving

--"Why is compassion the core of nursing?"

--"Why is practice not valued in the practice setting?"

--"Why is it so hard for us all to come together for the same goal?"

--"Can we move to the edge without leaving the mainstream?"

--"The high level of responsibility versus the power that nurses have."

--"If nursing is so good at connecting, exploring and making sense, why is the healthcare system so maladaptive?"

--"Why do we spend so much time on externals and not on our internal development?"

--"How can nursing become so highly technological and still retain our wholisitc focus on the patient and the family?"

Please post your friendly, non judgmental responses to these questions in the comments field of this entry. Let's keep this discussion moving forward so that solutions can emerge.

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