Sunday, August 3, 2008

Editors Kickoff Nursing Conference

By Joseph Hannan

Three years ago, "On the Edge: Nursing in the Age of Complexity" began at a conference just like this. Innovation occurs during events in which leading thinkers gather and share their ideas--Complexity Science in action.

This year's nursing conference is sure to produce similar results. Curt Lindberg, Claire Lindberg and Sue Nash, 'On the Edge' editors, each said this year's conference will rely extensively on the ideas of its participants.

Claire Lindberg said the presence of so many healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses and administrators among others, indicates the forward-thinking nature of the healthcare industry.

These passionate members of the healthcare community will discuss various issues and colaborate to produce astonishing results throughout the coming days. It will be interesting to see what results the "On the Edge" conference will produce.

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